Marching on (originally published March 2021)


March is always a tough month in my part of the world.  Winter isn’t finished with us while we are all so ready for spring.  COVID19 has added a whole new level to the March blues as well.

For me, March was tough on a personal level.  Most of the month my blood pressure was quite low and I struggled to do almost everything.  Concentration was poor, energy levels were quite low and the dizzy spells were utterly disconcerting.  At times, I lacked the ability to follow my own knitting patterns.  Still, I managed to get a few new things made for my first shop update on April 6th.  

The good news is things have improved for me as April arrived.  My blood pressure seems to have stabilized and the dizzy spells are now few and far between.  As long as things hold, I expect there will be another shop update in a couple of weeks, just in time for Mother’s Day! 


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