Teaching a class (originally published 29 November 2017)

This past weekend, I had the privilege of teaching a class here on beautiful Bell island, on how to make textured metal earrings.  I love sharing my love of wire and metal with others!  And while they had next to no prior experience with this medium, they were eager to try everything (including making a pair of drop earrings which we squeezed in at the end).

One of the most gratifying parts of the class is watching and listening to how their appreciation for the energy that goes into a simple item (like earrings) grows over the course of the class.  They were particular too, each working to make their projects as perfect as possible. I was so very proud of what they achieved in such a short time.

And of course, at the end we had to pose for the "brag picture".  While a couple of people had to dash at the end and are missing from the shot, they were there in spirit.

A big shout out to Tourism Bell Island for hosting and subsidizing this event (one in a series of art/craft events they've helped make happen this fall). 


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