How to Make the Flurry Pendant

This is a project video where I show you how to do a different style of wire knitting.

Up until now, my videos have featured exclusively featured Viking style wire knitting.  This time, I am using a stitch technique borrowed from American Artist and Sculptor Ruth Asawa.  Her wire knitted sculptures captured my imagination and made me think about wire knitting as a sculptural form for the very first time.

I watched a YouTube video where her daughter demonstrated her stitch making technique.  When I saw it, I thought, "hmmmm, I can scale that down to make jewelry."  And that's what I did.

Interesting side story, I was doing an Etsy Made in Canada market in St. John's (before I got sick), and a woman approached my booth, seemingly captivated by some of my designs.  She inquired about them and I took the opportunity to geek out about how Ruth Asawa and her amazing sculptures inspired my technique.  

It was then she smiled broadly and told me she'd had the pleasure of being Ruth's neighbour for many years in San Francisco. I was gobsmacked.  Ms. Asawa is deceased, so I knew I'd never have a chance to ever meet her.  But getting her neighbour's seal of approval was the next best thing. I blinked back tears and thanked her profusely.

In this week's video, I show you how to prepare your stitches using 20 gauge dead soft copper wire and then how to construct the snowflake shaped pendant. A complete list of materials and tools needed for the project is included in the description box below the video on YouTube.

I hope you'll check out the free TUTORIAL on YouTube.

Note: my video tutorials are posted for free as I want my patterns to be available to everyone. If you are in a position to show a little appreciation for my work, consider buying me a coffee ☕️ using the link on the home page. If you wish to make items for sale using my tutorials, please credit me as the designer and do not underprice your work!


  1. This is beautiful and you make it look really achievable. Thank you.


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